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About 'florida state university economics'|Billionaire's role in hiring decisions at Florida State University raises questions

About 'florida state university economics'|Billionaire's role in hiring decisions at Florida State University raises questions

The               United               States               Food               and               Drug               Administration               estimates               more               than               35               million               head               of               cattle               are               raised               and               slaughtered               in               the               United               States               each               year.

Beef               cattle               send               to               feedlots               for               approximately               120               days               to               gain               weight               prior               to               slaughter.

According               to               US               Department               of               Agriculture               (USDA),               placements               in               feedlots               in               July               2006,               totaled               1.96               million,               17               percent               increase               from               July               2005,               and               14               percent               above               2004.

During               July               2006,               placement               of               cattle               and               calves               in               feedlots               weighted               less               than               600               pounds               were               570,000               head,               600               to               699               pounds               were               403,000               head,               700               to               799               pounds               were               490,000               head               and               800               pound               and               greater               were               500,000               head.

When               a               cow               or               calve               gets               sick,               remains               longer               at               a               feedlot,               until               it               regains               weight.

Some               experts               estimated               that               two               or               three               percent               of               beef               cattle               are               sick               at               any               given               time.

Identifying               a               sick               animal               is               the               responsibility               of               cowhands               that               ride               every               day,               through               feed               pens.

If               an               animals               is               identified,               by               a               runny               nose               or               watery               eyes,               would               be               removed               from               the               herd               and               taken               to               a               hospital               pen               to               be               given               medication               and               reduced               amount               of               food,               until               the               animal               is               restored               to               health.

One               of               the               major               health               concerns               related               to               cattle               is               preventing               or               diagnosing               immediately               mad               cow               disease               or               Bovine               Spongiform               Encephalopathy               (BSE),               a               slowly               progressive,               degenerative               fatal               disease,               affecting               the               central               nervous               system               of               adult               cattle.

The               United               States               Department               of               Agriculture               immediately               requires               the               cow's               meat               not               enter               the               food               supply               and               /               or               traced               from               the               marketplace.

Eating               meat               from               a               BSE               -               infected               beef,               a               person               is               at               high               risk               to               get               human               form               of               BSE               called               Creutzfeldt-Jakob               (CJD),               which               invariably               is               a               fatal               brain               disorder.

In               2003,               exports               of               American               beef               worth               $3.9               billion               subsequently,               Japan               worth               is               $1.4               billion.

Worldwide               the               United               States               exports               beef               to               69               countries,               not               including               Japan.

Greatest               concern               of               beef               industry,               identify               as               soon               as               possible               a               cow               identified               with               mad               cow               disease               and               quickly               identify               any               animals               that               are               sick,               which               need               to               be               destroyed               or               provide               treatment.

A               new               technology               is               available               to               identify               sick               animals               sooner               then               previously               possible,               and               knowing               their               location.
               In               2003,               TeKVet               (formerly               COLT               Technologies),               LLC               was               formed               through               a               privately               held               Utah               -               based               developer               and               manufacturer               of               agricultural               technologies.

The               company               object,               develop               for               the               livestock               industry,               a               wireless               technology               that               would               lower               production               costs,               increase               profits               and               improve               product               safety.

TekVet               created               a               wireless               ear               tag               (Similar               to               tags               used               by               beef               producers,               ranchers               and               dairy               farmers.),               the               TekVet               SmartSensor(TM),               contains               a               digital               thermometer               and               computer               chip               that               livestock               managers               can               continually               monitor               their               animals.

The               information               gathered               includes               a               digital               core               temperature               (Cattle               body               temperature               safely               vary:               From               99.5               -               103.5               degrees               Fahrenheit.),               determines               which               animals               might               be               getting               sick               (Flexible               thermometer               is               inserted               into               the               ear               canal.

It's               plastic               housing               offers               durability               and               made               waterproof.)               thus               preventing               contamination               of               other               animals.

According               to               DeeVon               Bailey,               a               USU               professor               of               agricultural               economics               stated               (Internet               IPCommunications.com               Article               dated               July               10,               2006:               "Ear               sensor               tracks               health               of               cattle):               "Core               body               temperature               is               the               best               indicator               of               health               in               most               large               animals."               Also,               information               provides               animal's               location.

The               information               transmitted               by               a               sensor:               The               identification               number               and               core               temperature               data,               a               computer               receives               (Keeping               track               of               historical               information.)               for               each               animal               within               a               range               every               hour.

Each               transmission               has               a               range               of               300               to               500               feet               (Within               the               418Mhz               range).

The               Federal               Communication               Commission               approved               the               data               transmission               for               TekVet               system.

The               data               collected               can               be               used               for               trend               analysis               to               increase               herd               productivity,               reduce               overall               death               toll               and               upload               to               the               TekVet               SmartNework               Operation               Center(TM),               where               the               data               is               compiled               and               made               available               (Utilizing               SmartManagement               software)               for               accessing               by               producers               via               the               Internet.

Detecting               illnesses               more               quickly               helps               producers               use               fewer               antibiotics               and               reduces               consumers               concern               regarding               the               use               of               antibiotics               in               cattle.
               In               July               2006,               TekVet               announced               outfitted               a               more               rugged               design               and               longer               lasting               battery,               specifically               designed               for               multiple               use               applications               over               a               two               -               year               period.

The               cost               per               unit               is               $20               each.

Each               unit               is               capable               of               being               used               for               up               two               years               and               as               many               as               six               different               animals,               during               that               time               or               multiple               applications.

The               amortized               cost               during               the               two               -               period               per               animal               is               $3.30               or               lower.
               In               May               2006,               TekVet               signed               deals               to               begin,               deploying               the               TekVet               System               to               major               feedlot               operations               in               Nebraska,               Texas,               Oklahoma,               Utah,               and               several               foreign               producers.

The               company               is               seeking               to               partner               with               several               universities               and               research               institutions               to               explore               potential               applications               of               the               product.

Already,               entered               into               a               partnership               with               Utah               State               University.

Beginning               in               September               2006,               the               University               will               deploy               the               devices               on               both               dairy               and               beef               cattle.

TekVet               System               signed               a               five               year               contract               to               outsource               manufacturing               to               Nationwide               Electronics               Incorporated,               a               Florida               based               company,               produce               more               than               five               million               sensors               during               the               first               six               months               of               the               agreement.

Also,               TekVet               initiated               a               grant               program,               providing               free               TekVet               Systems               to               eligible               educational               and               nonprofit               institutions.
               Future               upgrade               of               TekVet               system               includes               monitoring               blood               pressure,               heart               rate               and               other               vital               signs.

The               company               is               considering               advertising               TekVet               technology               labeled               in               supermarkets.

The               information               made               available               to               benefit               consumers               includes,               identification               code               on               each               meat               package,               allowing               the               buyer               to               enter               the               code               online               and               trace               the               history               of               the               animal               from               any               particular               cut               of               meat.
               Tekvet,               LCC               appointed               Scott               Van               Orman               as               director               of               Japanese               operations.

The               company               launched               a               major               marketing               and               advertising               campaign               to               educate               Japanese               consumers               the               benefits               of               beef,               providing               a               method               for               tracking,               tracing               and               monitoring               the               health               of               cattle,               by               its               TakVet               System.

Considering               the               concerns               the               Japanese               people               have               preventing               and               prohibiting               any               mad               cow               products               entering               into               their               food               chain.
               For               more               information               on               TekVet               Systems,               contact:               http://www.tek.com/               or               call               
               801               -               335               -               0500

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